AIDA PH Freediving Team: Meet Mika

AIDA PH Freediving Team: Meet Mika

AIDA PH Freediving Team: Meet Mika

We caught up with each member of the AIDA Philippines Freediving Team to get a glimpse into their minds during their busy training schedule. Despite their hectic routines, they generously spared us a few minutes to share their thoughts on the process. #Sanghinga #AIDAPhilippines


In an exclusive interview with Mikaela Concepcion, also known as Mika, we delve into her journey as a competitive freediver and her preparation process for the upcoming competition. Let's get to know this talented athlete and her inspiring story.

Photo By: Mark Dizon

Share some stories about your preparation process for this competition.

M: In a week, I have a strict schedule that encompasses various aspects of my training. I engage in two pool trainings, two strength and mobility sessions, and two dry STA (static apnea) trainings. Ensuring peak performance also requires me to pay close attention to my nutrition. As I have a night job, I take supplements such as vitamins and superfoods to support my body and maintain optimal performance.

Photo By: Nhei Salvador / Sanghinga

Share some stories about how you got into competitive freediving and freediving in general.

M: Joining competitions was never part of my initial plan. However, when the pandemic hit the country in 2020, my usual activities like aerial yoga and obstacle course races came to a halt. I needed something new to fill my free time, which led me to discover the OLP freediving club. With their pool and open water training offerings, I decided to join their pool trainings in Manila. After six or seven months of training, I received an invitation from OLP to participate in a pool competition in Panglao. That's how my journey into competitive freediving began.

Photo By: Yanzi Yuan

What is the worst and favorite part of being a freediving athlete?

M: My favorite part of being a freediving athlete is experiencing the thrill of surprising myself by accomplishing drills and tasks I never thought I could do. Through this sport, I've gained a deeper understanding of my body's strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, the sense of belonging within the freediving community is truly special. Meeting like-minded individuals who share the same passion and learning from their experiences is truly rewarding. On the other hand, the worst part is the frustration that arises when I am unable to achieve certain goals. However, I understand that not every training or competition will result in peak performance. Another challenge is when I have multiple goals and can't pursue them simultaneously. After the competitions in 2021, I made the decision to focus on my Wave 3 and IC courses, which required me to temporarily prioritize them over my regular trainings.

Fun Fact: Mika is also a Molchanovs Instructor and trains students outside of her athletic routine.

Photo By: Yanzi Yuan

Do you have a mantra you live by?

M: There's a mantra I've carried with me since my childhood. It comes from a song I heard in the movie Sister Act 2, and it goes like this: "If you wanna be somebody. If you wanna go somewhere, you better wake up and pay attention."

Describe the feeling of being a national athlete.

M: Being a national athlete is both an incredible honor and a source of fear. Representing the entire country brings a certain level of pressure. Nevertheless, I am committed to showcasing our skills and abilities to the international scene, and I will give my absolute best to make the Philippines proud.

Fun Fact: Prior to freediving, Mika used to do Obstacle Course Races and Aerial Yoga.

Photo By: Yanzi Yuan

Describe your motivation and drive for joining this competition.

M: My main motivation is my mother, who has supported me since day one. Unfortunately, I lost her in December, just two months before I resumed training. I know she wants me to continue my freediving journey, and wherever she is now, I believe she's immensely proud of me.

What is the biggest challenge so far in preparing for this competition?

M: My night job has been the biggest challenge throughout my preparation. Balancing work and training requires careful management of my time and energy.

Fun Fact: Mika works during the night as a VA for a client in New York.

Photo By: Raymond del Rosario / Sanghinga

How do you balance the physical demands of freediving training with the need to avoid injury or burnout?

M: I prioritize listening to my body above all else. If I feel tired or worn out, I allow myself to rest. I understand the importance of recovery and ensure that I am in optimal condition before continuing my training.

Describe your teammates.

M: My teammates are disciplined and dedicated individuals. Training alongside them is truly inspiring, and their commitment motivates me to push myself further.

Regardless of the results, what would you want to have at the end of this event?

M: For this event, I'm not aiming for any specific accolades. My main goal is to showcase the world that Filipinos can compete on par with the best in freediving.

Photo By: Mark Dizon

Say something to the current and future supporters of the team.

M: I want to express my deepest gratitude to everyone who has shown their support. Your unwavering encouragement means the world to me. I promise to give my all in this competition, fueled by the passion that drives us. Together, let's show the world the heart and determination of Filipino freedivers!

Mikaela Concepcion, or Mika, truly embodies the spirit of a dedicated athlete. Her journey and perseverance are a testament to the power of passion and self-belief. As she prepares to represent the Philippines on the international stage, we wish her the best of luck and look forward to witnessing her extraordinary performance.


Pledge your support to the AIDA Philippines Freediving Team